Why Canada Can’t Just Move On

The narrative that most Canadians receive when it comes to Indigenous-settler reconciliation is that we apologized for what happened in the past, so now it’s time to move on. We may talk the talk, make apologies, and pass declarations, but when the walk doesn’t match the talk, we realize that all those words are empty.

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How Stories Shape Us

Stories have the power to shape our worldview - how we believe the world functions and what our place in it is. But the big question remains - how do we judge the stories we tell? How do we know what stories are true?

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If Only My Opa Met Bonhoeffer

My Opa and Dietrich Bonhoeffer were both German. My Opa was a soldier in Hitler’s army. Bonhoeffer did all he could to oppose the Nazi state. How is this possible? One reason is that Bonhoeffer believed a very different narrative about Germany, Hitler, and those who were different from him.

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Lessons from a Nazi

The fact that my Opa was a Nazi is something that I’ve tried to hide for a long time. However, his story has taught me something powerful about racism - that is that stories matter! If we want to know why some people do horrible things to others because of their race, we need to pay attention to the stories they are telling.

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The Gift of Rest

If we want to live as God intended, we need to include rhythms of sabbath - times when we stop and take a break from that which we consider “work." I find this extremely difficult because rest often feels unproductive and selfish. But it’s something I continue to work on.

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Finding the Kingdom of God at Camp

A few months ago, I thought any hope of still running summer camp this year was gone for good. But I’m so thankful that our camps have found an innovative way to open up their space to kids this year. Once again, I got to witness the kingdom of God at work.

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Birth and Death During COVID-19

My family and I experienced both birth and death during this COVID-19 pandemic. While the experiences were vastly different, both solidified for me the importance of relationships and community.

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Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste

There’s an old saying: “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” It often refers to people taking advantage of others during a crisis in order to get ahead. It’s not usually positive, but I think Christians should take time to consider it seriously.

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We Shouldn’t Be Colour Blind

I used to think that it was the Christian respond to be “colour blind” when it comes to race; however, race itself isn’t the issue. It’s not a negative that we need to get rid of. The issue is that we’ve misunderstood God’s design of humanity. When that happens, we become blind to God’s call for diversity, justice, and peace.

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Missing Out On "God Moments"

This week we heard that some of our camping ministries have decided to cancel their programs for the summer due to COVID-19. Although I agree with the decisions, it saddens me because I was really looking forward to meeting God at camp again this year.

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The View from the Empty Tomb

Although we don’t always know what God is doing in our lives and in our world, we do notice when we’re going through dark times. But it’s often only when we come out of it on the other side that we realize how God has been with us and worked through those times to bring us life.

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