Have We Seen Justice?

May 25, 2021 will mark the one year anniversary of the death of George Floyd. A lot of progress has been made in the last while to address racism, but one questioned lingered - would we see justice?

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Lessons from a Nazi

The fact that my Opa was a Nazi is something that I’ve tried to hide for a long time. However, his story has taught me something powerful about racism - that is that stories matter! If we want to know why some people do horrible things to others because of their race, we need to pay attention to the stories they are telling.

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We Shouldn’t Be Colour Blind

I used to think that it was the Christian respond to be “colour blind” when it comes to race; however, race itself isn’t the issue. It’s not a negative that we need to get rid of. The issue is that we’ve misunderstood God’s design of humanity. When that happens, we become blind to God’s call for diversity, justice, and peace.

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