Will You Be My Christmas Bell?

There’s a tension that is present in many people of faith - that the hope of God’s work in the world and the reality of life experiences don’t always line up. It’s in these moments that I long for the church to embody Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s vision of the Christmas bell.

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Simplifying the Mission

Those who have been reconciled by God are called to be ambassadors of reconciliation. This is the mission of the Church as the people of God. But what do we do when that mission gets too big and we are spread too thin?

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Why Canada Can’t Just Move On

The narrative that most Canadians receive when it comes to Indigenous-settler reconciliation is that we apologized for what happened in the past, so now it’s time to move on. We may talk the talk, make apologies, and pass declarations, but when the walk doesn’t match the talk, we realize that all those words are empty.

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How Stories Shape Us

Stories have the power to shape our worldview - how we believe the world functions and what our place in it is. But the big question remains - how do we judge the stories we tell? How do we know what stories are true?

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